Chapter 1 How to install IOBR
1.1 ⏳ Install Dependency Packages
It is essential that you have R 3.6.3 or above already installed on your computer or server. IOBR is a pipeline that utilizes many other R packages that are currently available from CRAN, Bioconductor and GitHub.
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
depens<-c('tibble', 'survival', 'survminer', 'limma', "DESeq2","devtools", 'limSolve', 'GSVA', 'e1071', 'preprocessCore',
"devtools", "tidyHeatmap", "caret", "glmnet", "ppcor", "timeROC", "pracma", "factoextra",
"FactoMineR", "WGCNA", "patchwork", 'ggplot2', "biomaRt", 'ggpubr', "PMCMRplus")
for(i in 1:length(depens)){
if (!requireNamespace(depen, quietly = TRUE)) BiocManager::install(depen,update = FALSE)