Chapter 3 RNA Data preprocessing

3.1 Loading packages

Load the IOBR package in your R session after the installation is complete:


3.2 Download array data using GEOquery

Obtaining data set from GEO Gastric cancer: GSE62254 using GEOquery R package.

if (!requireNamespace("GEOquery", quietly = TRUE))  BiocManager::install("GEOquery")
# NOTE: This process may take a few minutes which depends on the internet connection speed. Please wait for its completion.
eset_geo<-getGEO(GEO     = "GSE62254", getGPL  = F, destdir = "./")
eset    <-eset_geo[[1]]
eset    <-exprs(eset)
##           GSM1523727 GSM1523728 GSM1523729 GSM1523744 GSM1523745
## 1007_s_at  3.2176645  3.0624323  3.0279131   2.921683  2.8456013
## 1053_at    2.4050109  2.4394879  2.2442708   2.345916  2.4328582
## 117_at     1.4933412  1.8067380  1.5959665   1.839822  1.8326058
## 121_at     2.1965561  2.2812181  2.1865556   2.258599  2.1874363
## 1255_g_at  0.8698382  0.9502466  0.8125414   1.012860  0.9441993

3.3 Gene Annotation

Annotation of genes in the expression matrix and removal of duplicate genes.

# Load the annotation file `anno_hug133plus2` in IOBR.
## # A tibble: 6 Ă— 2
##   probe_id  symbol 
##   <fct>     <fct>  
## 1 1007_s_at MIR4640
## 2 1053_at   RFC2   
## 3 117_at    HSPA6  
## 4 121_at    PAX8   
## 5 1255_g_at GUCA1A 
## 6 1294_at   MIR5193
# Load the annotation file `anno_grch38` in IOBR.
##                id eff_length        gc entrez   symbol chr     start       end
## 1 ENSG00000000003       4536 0.3992504   7105   TSPAN6   X 100627109 100639991
## 2 ENSG00000000005       1476 0.4241192  64102     TNMD   X 100584802 100599885
## 3 ENSG00000000419       9276 0.4252911   8813     DPM1  20  50934867  50958555
## 4 ENSG00000000457       6883 0.4117391  57147    SCYL3   1 169849631 169894267
## 5 ENSG00000000460       5970 0.4298157  55732 C1orf112   1 169662007 169854080
## 6 ENSG00000000938       3382 0.5644589   2268      FGR   1  27612064  27635277
##   strand        biotype
## 1     -1 protein_coding
## 2      1 protein_coding
## 3     -1 protein_coding
## 4     -1 protein_coding
## 5      1 protein_coding
## 6     -1 protein_coding
##                                                                                                  description
## 1                                                          tetraspanin 6 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:11858]
## 2                                                            tenomodulin [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:17757]
## 3 dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1, catalytic subunit [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3005]
## 4                                               SCY1-like, kinase-like 3 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:19285]
## 5                                    chromosome 1 open reading frame 112 [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:25565]
## 6                          FGR proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase [Source:HGNC Symbol;Acc:HGNC:3697]
# Load the annotation file `anno_gc_vm32` in IOBR for mouse RNAseq data
##                   id eff_length        gc symbol      mgi_id      gene_type
## 1 ENSMUSG00000000001       3262 0.4350092  Gnai3   MGI:95773 protein_coding
## 2 ENSMUSG00000000003        902 0.3481153   Pbsn MGI:1860484 protein_coding
## 3 ENSMUSG00000000028       3506 0.4962921  Cdc45 MGI:1338073 protein_coding
## 4 ENSMUSG00000000031       2625 0.5588571    H19   MGI:95891         lncRNA
## 5 ENSMUSG00000000037       6397 0.4377052  Scml2 MGI:1340042 protein_coding
## 6 ENSMUSG00000000049       1594 0.5050188   Apoh   MGI:88058 protein_coding
##       start       end transcript_id  ont
## 1 108014596 108053462          <NA> <NA>
## 2  76881507  76897229          <NA> <NA>
## 3  18599197  18630737          <NA> <NA>
## 4 142129262 142131886          <NA> <NA>
## 5 159865521 160041209          <NA> <NA>
## 6 108234180 108305222          <NA> <NA>

3.3.1 For Array data: HGU133PLUS-2 (Affaymetrix)

# Conduct gene annotation using `anno_hug133plus2` file; If identical gene symbols exists, these genes would be ordered by the mean expression levels. The gene symbol with highest mean expression level is selected and remove others. 

eset<-anno_eset(eset       = eset,
                annotation = anno_hug133plus2,
                symbol     = "symbol",
                probe      = "probe_id",
                method     = "mean")
eset[1:5, 1:3]
##              GSM1523727 GSM1523728 GSM1523729
## SH3KBP1        4.327974   4.316195   4.351425
## RPL41          4.246149   4.246808   4.257940
## EEF1A1         4.293762   4.291038   4.262199
## COX2           4.250288   4.283714   4.270508
## LOC101928826   4.219303   4.219670   4.213252

3.4 Download RNAseq data using UCSCXenaTools

In this section, we are going to download RNA-seq data from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) for applying the downstream analysis workflow of IOBR. Particularly, we will use the convenient R package UCSCXenaTools to query and download the RNA-seq data of TCGA stomach cancer cohort.

Use the following code to check and install UCSCXenaTools.

if (!requireNamespace("UCSCXenaTools", quietly = TRUE))  

UCSCXenaTools provides an R interface to access public cancer datasets from UCSC Xena data hubs, including multiple pan-cancer studies like TCGA and PCAWG. You can directly access information of all datasets in R.

## Warning: package 'UCSCXenaTools' was built under R version 4.2.1
## =========================================================================================
## UCSCXenaTools version 1.4.8
## Project URL:
## Usages:
## If you use it in published research, please cite:
## Wang et al., (2019). The UCSCXenaTools R package: a toolkit for accessing genomics data
##   from UCSC Xena platform, from cancer multi-omics to single-cell RNA-seq.
##   Journal of Open Source Software, 4(40), 1627,
## =========================================================================================
##                               --Enjoy it--
## Attaching package: 'UCSCXenaTools'
## The following object is masked from 'package:Biobase':
##     samples
## # A tibble: 6 Ă— 17
##   XenaHosts XenaHostNames XenaCohorts XenaDatasets SampleCount DataSubtype Label
##   <chr>     <chr>         <chr>       <chr>              <int> <chr>       <chr>
## 1 https://… publicHub     Breast Can… ucsfNeve_pu…          51 gene expre… Neve…
## 2 https://… publicHub     Breast Can… ucsfNeve_pu…          57 phenotype   Phen…
## 3 https://… publicHub     Glioma (Ko… kotliarov20…         194 copy number Kotl…
## 4 https://… publicHub     Glioma (Ko… kotliarov20…         194 phenotype   Phen…
## 5 https://… publicHub     Lung Cance… weir2007_pu…         383 copy number CGH  
## 6 https://… publicHub     Lung Cance… weir2007_pu…         383 phenotype   Phen…
## # â„ą 10 more variables: Type <chr>, AnatomicalOrigin <chr>, SampleType <chr>,
## #   Tags <chr>, ProbeMap <chr>, LongTitle <chr>, Citation <chr>, Version <chr>,
## #   Unit <chr>, Platform <chr>
# You can use view(XenaData) to find your dataset of interest

UCSCXenaTools provides workflow functions to generate object, filter, query, download and load the dataset(s) of interest. The following code show a standardized UCSCXenaTools data workflow to query the data from UCSC Xena data hub and load it into R.

# NOTE: This process may take a few minutes which depends on the internet connection speed. Please wait for its completion.
eset_stad<-XenaGenerate(subset = XenaCohorts =="GDC TCGA Stomach Cancer (STAD)") %>% 
  XenaFilter(filterDatasets    = "TCGA-STAD.htseq_counts.tsv") %>% 
  XenaQuery() %>%
  XenaDownload() %>% 
eset_stad[1:5, 1:3]

As the metadata of this dataset have been stored in the XeneData data.frame. You can easily recheck the dataset with code.

dplyr::filter(XenaData, XenaDatasets == "TCGA-STAD.htseq_counts.tsv") |> 

3.5 Normalization and Gene annotation

Transform gene expression matrix into TPM format, and conduct subsequent annotation.

# Remove the version numbers in Ensembl ID.
eset_stad$Ensembl_ID<-substring(eset_stad$Ensembl_ID, 1, 15)
eset_stad<-column_to_rownames(eset_stad, var = "Ensembl_ID")

# Revert back to original format because the data from UCSC was log2(x+1)transformed.

eset_stad<-count2tpm(countMat = eset_stad, idType = "Ensembl", org="hsa", source = "local" )


3.6 Identifying outlier samples

Take ACRG microarray data for example

res <- find_outlier_samples(eset = eset, project = "ACRG", show_plot = TRUE)

## [1] "GSM1523817" "GSM1523858" "GSM1523984" "GSM1523988" "GSM1524030"

Removing potential outlier samples

eset1 <- eset[, !colnames(eset)%in%res]

3.7 PCA analysis of molecular subtypes

data("pdata_acrg", package = "IOBR")
res<- iobr_pca(data       = eset1,
              is.matrix   = TRUE,
              scale       = TRUE,
              is.log      = FALSE,
              pdata       = pdata_acrg, 
              id_pdata    = "ID", 
              group       = "Subtype",
              geom.ind    = "point", 
              cols        = "normal",
              palette     = "jama", 
              repel       = FALSE,
              ncp         = 5,
              axes        = c(1, 2),
              addEllipses = TRUE)
##       CIN       EBV       EMT        GS       MSI MSS/TP53- MSS/TP53+ 
##         0         0        42         0        68       106        79 
## [1] ">>== colors for group: "

3.8 Batch effect correction

3.8.1 For microarray data

Obtaining another data set from GEO Gastric cancer: GSE57303 using GEOquery R package.

# NOTE: This process may take a few minutes which depends on the internet connection speed. Please wait for its completion.
eset_geo<-getGEO(GEO     = "GSE57303", getGPL  = F, destdir = "./")
eset2    <-eset_geo[[1]]
eset2    <-exprs(eset2)
##           GSM1379261 GSM1379262 GSM1379263 GSM1379264 GSM1379265
## 1007_s_at    8.34746    9.67994    8.62643    8.59301    8.63046
## 1053_at      5.07972    4.46377    5.29685    5.78983    4.33359
## 117_at       5.65558    4.48732    4.21615    5.47984    5.20816
## 121_at       5.95123    7.09056    6.19903    5.89872    5.91323
## 1255_g_at    1.66923    1.98758    1.73083    1.56687    1.63332

Annotation of genes in the expression matrix and removal of duplicate genes.

eset2<-anno_eset(eset       = eset2,
                 annotation = anno_hug133plus2,
                 symbol     = "symbol",
                 probe      = "probe_id",
                 method     = "mean")
eset2[1:5, 1:5]
##         GSM1379261 GSM1379262 GSM1379263 GSM1379264 GSM1379265
## ND4        13.1695    13.1804    13.0600    12.4544    13.0457
## ATP6       13.1433    13.0814    13.0502    12.4831    13.1168
## SH3KBP1    12.9390    13.1620    12.9773    12.8745    13.1169
## COX2       13.0184    13.0489    12.8621    12.7489    12.9732
## RPL41      13.0201    12.6034    12.7929    13.0153    12.9404
eset_com <- remove_batcheffect( eset1       = eset1,  
                                eset2       = eset2,   
                                eset3       = NULL,
                                id_type     = "symbol",
                                data_type   = "array", 
                                cols        = "normal", 
                                palette     = "jama", 
                                log2        = TRUE, 
                                check_eset  = TRUE,
                                adjust_eset = TRUE,
                                repel       = FALSE,
                                path        = "result")
## eset1 eset2 
##   295    70 
## [1] ">>== colors for group: "
## eset1 eset2 
##   295    70 
## [1] ">>== colors for group: "

## [1] 21752   365

3.8.2 For RNAseq count data

data("eset_stad", package = "IOBR")
##                 TCGA-BR-6455 TCGA-BR-7196 TCGA-BR-8371 TCGA-BR-8380
## ENSG00000000003         8006         2114          767         1556
## ENSG00000000005            1            0            5            5
## ENSG00000000419         3831         2600         1729         1760
## ENSG00000000457         1126          745         1040         1260
## ENSG00000000460          857          463          231          432
## ENSG00000000938          758         1126          557          557
##                 TCGA-BR-8592 TCGA-BR-8686 TCGA-BR-A4IV TCGA-BR-A4J4
## ENSG00000000003         2806         2923         1524         7208
## ENSG00000000005           60            1           22            2
## ENSG00000000419         2273         1934         2838         4418
## ENSG00000000457         1814          707         1683         1335
## ENSG00000000460          635          323          270          423
## ENSG00000000938          828          666          760          597
##                 TCGA-BR-A4J9 TCGA-FP-7916
## ENSG00000000003          711         2747
## ENSG00000000005            0            3
## ENSG00000000419         2426         2824
## ENSG00000000457         1590         1672
## ENSG00000000460          276          773
## ENSG00000000938          370          688
data("eset_blca", package = "IOBR")
##                 TCGA-2F-A9KO TCGA-2F-A9KP TCGA-2F-A9KQ TCGA-2F-A9KR
## ENSG00000000003         6092        11652         5426         4383
## ENSG00000000005            0            4            1            1
## ENSG00000000419         3072         2656         1983         2061
## ENSG00000000457         1302          984         1134         1092
## ENSG00000000460          779          924          421          386
## ENSG00000000938          436          116          312          590
##                 TCGA-2F-A9KT
## ENSG00000000003         3334
## ENSG00000000005            0
## ENSG00000000419         2930
## ENSG00000000457          496
## ENSG00000000460          318
## ENSG00000000938          362
eset_com <- remove_batcheffect(eset_stad, eset_blca, id_type = "ensembl", data_type = "count")
## Found 2 batches
## Using null model in ComBat-seq.
## Adjusting for 0 covariate(s) or covariate level(s)
## Estimating dispersions
## Fitting the GLM model
## Shrinkage off - using GLM estimates for parameters
## Adjusting the data
## Warning in count2tpm(countMat = combined.expr.combat, idType = id_type, :
## >>>--- Omit 1263 genes of which length is not available !
## eset1 eset2 
##    10     5 
## [1] ">>== colors for group: "
## eset1 eset2 
##    10     5 
## [1] ">>== colors for group: "
## eset1 eset2 
##    10     5 
## [1] ">>== colors for group: "

# The returned matrix is the count matrix after removing the batches.
##                 TCGA-BR-6455 TCGA-BR-7196 TCGA-BR-8371 TCGA-BR-8380
## ENSG00000000003        10264         3536         1710         2964
## ENSG00000000005            1            0            4            5
## ENSG00000000419         4500         3099         2111         2167
## ENSG00000000457         1203          707         1106         1353
## ENSG00000000460         1059          590          310          560
## ENSG00000000938          731         1202          507          485
##                 TCGA-BR-8592 TCGA-BR-8686 TCGA-BR-A4IV TCGA-BR-A4J4
## ENSG00000000003         4761         3964         3115         9565
## ENSG00000000005           33            1           14            3
## ENSG00000000419         2782         2270         3444         5176
## ENSG00000000457         2089          817         1845         1469
## ENSG00000000460          810          405          368          548
## ENSG00000000938          769          723          677          532
##                 TCGA-BR-A4J9 TCGA-FP-7916 TCGA-2F-A9KO TCGA-2F-A9KP
## ENSG00000000003         1739         4371         2812         6796
## ENSG00000000005            0            3            0           10
## ENSG00000000419         2943         3362         2189         1849
## ENSG00000000457         1804         2044          994          817
## ENSG00000000460          371          959          495          584
## ENSG00000000938          281          654          456          156
##                 TCGA-2F-A9KQ TCGA-2F-A9KR TCGA-2F-A9KT
## ENSG00000000003         1971         1429         1057
## ENSG00000000005            1            1            0
## ENSG00000000419         1355         1420         2094
## ENSG00000000457          916          876          438
## ENSG00000000460          251          230          190
## ENSG00000000938          353          604          383

3.9 References

Wang et al., (2019). The UCSCXenaTools R package: a toolkit for accessing genomics data from UCSC Xena platform, from cancer multi-omics to single-cell RNA-seq. Journal of Open Source Software, 4(40), 1627,

Zhang et al., ComBat-seq: batch effect adjustment for RNA-seq count data, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, Volume 2, Issue 3, September 2020, lqaa078,

Leek, J. T., et al., (2012). The sva package for removing batch effects and other unwanted variation in high-throughput experiments. Bioinformatics, 28(6), 882-883.