Chapter 7 TME Interaction analysis

7.1 Loading packages


7.2 Downloading data for example

Obtaining data set from GEO Gastric cancer: GSE62254 using GEOquery R package.

if (!requireNamespace("GEOquery", quietly = TRUE))  BiocManager::install("GEOquery")
# NOTE: This process may take a few minutes which depends on the internet connection speed. Please wait for its completion.
eset_geo<- getGEO(GEO     = "GSE62254", getGPL  = F, destdir = "./")
eset    <- eset_geo[[1]]
eset    <- exprs(eset)
##           GSM1523727 GSM1523728 GSM1523729 GSM1523744 GSM1523745
## 1007_s_at  3.2176645  3.0624323  3.0279131   2.921683  2.8456013
## 1053_at    2.4050109  2.4394879  2.2442708   2.345916  2.4328582
## 117_at     1.4933412  1.8067380  1.5959665   1.839822  1.8326058
## 121_at     2.1965561  2.2812181  2.1865556   2.258599  2.1874363
## 1255_g_at  0.8698382  0.9502466  0.8125414   1.012860  0.9441993

7.3 Gene Annotation: HGU133PLUS-2 (Affaymetrix)

# Conduct gene annotation using `anno_hug133plus2` file; If identical gene symbols exists, these genes would be ordered by the mean expression levels. The gene symbol with highest mean expression level is selected and remove others. 

eset<-anno_eset(eset       = eset,
                annotation = anno_hug133plus2,
                symbol     = "symbol",
                probe      = "probe_id",
                method     = "mean")
eset[1:5, 1:3]
##              GSM1523727 GSM1523728 GSM1523729
## SH3KBP1        4.327974   4.316195   4.351425
## RPL41          4.246149   4.246808   4.257940
## EEF1A1         4.293762   4.291038   4.262199
## COX2           4.250288   4.283714   4.270508
## LOC101928826   4.219303   4.219670   4.213252

7.4 TME deconvolution using CIBERSORT algorithm

cell <- deconvo_tme(eset = eset, method = "cibersort", arrays = TRUE, perm = 500, absolute.mode = TRUE)
## # A tibble: 6 × 27
##   ID        B_cells_naive_CIBERS…¹ B_cells_memory_CIBER…² Plasma_cells_CIBERSORT
##   <chr>                      <dbl>                  <dbl>                  <dbl>
## 1 GSM15237…                0.00610                0.0136                  0.149 
## 2 GSM15237…                0                      0.0339                  0.0765
## 3 GSM15237…                0.00335                0.0183                  0.0939
## 4 GSM15237…                0                      0.0594                  0.0773
## 5 GSM15237…                0                      0.00738                 0.109 
## 6 GSM15237…                0.0118                 0.0115                  0.138 
## # ℹ abbreviated names: ¹​B_cells_naive_CIBERSORT, ²​B_cells_memory_CIBERSORT
## # ℹ 23 more variables: T_cells_CD8_CIBERSORT <dbl>,
## #   T_cells_CD4_naive_CIBERSORT <dbl>,
## #   T_cells_CD4_memory_resting_CIBERSORT <dbl>,
## #   T_cells_CD4_memory_activated_CIBERSORT <dbl>,
## #   T_cells_follicular_helper_CIBERSORT <dbl>,
## #   `T_cells_regulatory_(Tregs)_CIBERSORT` <dbl>, …

7.5 Identifying TME patterns

Identification of optimal clustering based on cellular infiltration patterns in the microenvironment.

tme <- tme_cluster(input = cell, features = colnames(cell)[2:23], id = "ID", scale = TRUE, method = "kmeans", = 5)
## [1] ">>>== Best number of TME clusters is: "
## Number_clusters     Value_Index 
##          3.0000          2.7259 
## [1] ">>>== Cluster of samples: "
## TME1 TME2 TME3 
##   85   96  119

Use of heatmaps to reflect cellular differences between TME subtypes

colnames(tme) <- gsub(colnames(tme), pattern = "_CIBERSORT", replacement = "")
res <- sig_heatmap(input = tme, features = colnames(tme)[3:ncol(tme)], group = "cluster", path = "result", palette = 6)

7.6 Cell abundance of each cluster

cols <- c('#2692a4','#fc0d3a','#ffbe0b')
p1 <- sig_box(tme, variable = "cluster", signature = "Macrophages_M1", jitter = TRUE,
              cols =  cols, show_pvalue = TRUE, size_of_pvalue = 4)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   .y.       group1 group2        p    p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 signature TME3   TME2   2.25e-17 4.50e-17 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
## 2 signature TME3   TME1   3.52e- 6 3.5 e- 6 3.5e-06  ****     Wilcoxon
## 3 signature TME2   TME1   6.50e-24 2   e-23 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
p2 <- sig_box(tme, variable = "cluster", signature = "Mast_cells_activated", 
              jitter = TRUE, cols =  cols, show_pvalue = TRUE, size_of_pvalue = 4)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   .y.       group1 group2        p    p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 signature TME3   TME2   1.89e- 1 1.9 e- 1 0.19     ns       Wilcoxon
## 2 signature TME3   TME1   6.89e-33 2.10e-32 <2e-16   ****     Wilcoxon
## 3 signature TME2   TME1   1.12e-25 2.20e-25 <2e-16   ****     Wilcoxon
p3 <- sig_box(tme, variable = "cluster", signature = "Macrophages_M2", 
              jitter = TRUE, cols =  cols, show_pvalue = TRUE, size_of_pvalue = 4)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   .y.       group1 group2        p  p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 signature TME3   TME2   0.0997   0.1    0.0997   ns       Wilcoxon
## 2 signature TME3   TME1   0.000504 0.0015 0.0005   ***      Wilcoxon
## 3 signature TME2   TME1   0.0520   0.1    0.0520   ns       Wilcoxon

7.7 DEG analysis between TME subtypes

Identifying TME subtypes related differential genes using find_markers_in_bulk.

We have developed a reliable classifier for the tumour microenvironment in gastric cancer using the same analysis pipelineTMEclassifier. The classifier was constructed by identifying the most robust gastric cancer TME classification through parsing the tumour microenvironment using the tme_cluster method. Next, genes specifically expressed by each microenvironmental subtype are obtained using the find_markers_in_bulk method. Finally, a machine learning approach was used to construct the classifier model.

res <- find_markers_in_bulk(pdata      = tme, 
                            eset       = eset, 
                            group      = "cluster", 
                            nfeatures  = 2000, 
                            top_n      = 50, 
                            thresh.use = 0.15, 
                            only.pos   = TRUE, 
                            min.pct    = 0.10)
top15 <-  res$top_markers %>% dplyr:: group_by(cluster) %>%  dplyr::top_n(15, avg_log2FC)
##  [1] "TMEM100"  "ADH1B"    "ABCA8"    "MAMDC2"   "SCN7A"    "LIPF"    
##  [7] "C7"       "C2orf40"  "PGA4"     "OGN"      "GHRL"     "C6orf58" 
## [13] "SCRG1"    "GIF"      "VIP"      "IFNG"     "CXCL10"   "IDO1"    
## [19] "GZMB"     "CXCL11"   "GBP4"     "CXCL9"    "GNLY"     "AIM2"    
## [25] "COL11A1"  "S100A2"   "SLCO1B3"  "KRT13"    "KISS1R"   "SERPINB2"
## [31] "IL1A"     "PPBP"     "IL11"     "CXCL6"    "TREM1"    "PROK2"   
## [37] "IL24"     "PI15"     "HCAR3"    "CLEC5A"   "IGFBP1"   "MAGEA2B" 
## [43] "MAGEA6"   "MAGEA12"  "REG1B"

Heatmap visualisation using Seurat’s DoHeatmap

#Defining cluster colors
cols <- c('#2692a4','#fc0d3a','#ffbe0b')
p1 <- DoHeatmap(res$sce, top15$gene, group.colors = cols )+
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)))

Extracting variables from the expression matrix to merge with TME subtype

input <- combine_pd_eset(eset = eset, pdata = tme, feas = top15$gene, scale = T)
p2 <- sig_box(input, variable = "cluster", signature = "IFNG", jitter = TRUE,
              cols =  cols, show_pvalue = TRUE, size_of_pvalue = 4)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   .y.       group1 group2        p    p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 signature TME3   TME2   1.11e-16 3.30e-16 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
## 2 signature TME3   TME1   6.70e- 1 6.7 e- 1 0.67     ns       Wilcoxon
## 3 signature TME2   TME1   5.60e-14 1.10e-13 5.6e-14  ****     Wilcoxon
p3 <- sig_box(input, variable = "cluster", signature = "IL1A", 
              jitter = TRUE, cols =  cols, show_pvalue = TRUE, size_of_pvalue = 4)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   .y.       group1 group2        p    p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 signature TME3   TME2   5.94e- 9 1.20e- 8 5.9e-09  ****     Wilcoxon
## 2 signature TME3   TME1   7.96e-18 2.40e-17 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
## 3 signature TME2   TME1   2.60e- 5 2.6 e- 5 2.6e-05  ****     Wilcoxon

Combining the results obtained above

# if (!requireNamespace("patchwork", quietly = TRUE))   install.packages("patchwork")
p <- (p1|p2/p3) + plot_layout(widths = c(2.3,1))
p + plot_annotation(tag_levels = 'A')

7.8 Identifying LR associated with TME clusters

The LR_cal method originates from the study: Lapuente-Santana, Ó., van Genderen, M., Hilbers, P., Finotello, F., & Eduati, F. (2021). “Interpretable systems biomarkers predict response to immune-checkpoint inhibitors.” Patterns (New York, N.Y.), 2(8), 100293. DOI: 10.1016/j.patter.2021.100293. The method calculates interaction weights for 813 ligand-receptor (LR) pairs. For this function to run successfully, you need to install the easier package following the tutorial available at easier GitHub repository.

lr_data <- LR_cal(eset = eset, data_type = "tpm", id_type = "symbol")
lr <- column_to_rownames(lr_data,var = "ID") %>% t() %>%
res <- find_markers_in_bulk(pdata      = tme, 
                            eset       = lr, 
                            group      = "cluster", 
                            nfeatures  = 2000, 
                            top_n      = 50, 
                            thresh.use = 0.15, 
                            only.pos   = TRUE, 
                            min.pct    = 0.10)
top15 <-  res$top_markers %>% dplyr:: group_by(cluster) %>%  dplyr::top_n(15, avg_log2FC)
##  [1] "FN1-ITGA8"          "NCAM1-GFRA1"        "COL4A5-CD93"       
##  [4] "NCAM1-FGFR1"        "TSLP-IL7R"          "F13A1-ITGA9"       
##  [7] "GNAI2-P2RY12"       "ANGPTL1-TEK"        "FGF7-FGFR1-NRP1"   
## [10] "LTF-LRP11"          "EFNB2-EPHA3"        "ADAM10-EFNA1-EPHA3"
## [13] "SFRP1-FZD6"         "MYOC-FZD1"          "MYOC-FZD4"         
## [16] "IFNG-IFNGR1-IFNGR2" "CXCL10-SDC4"        "GZMB-IGF2R"        
## [19] "FASLG-FAS"          "HLA-B-HLA-E-KLRD1"  "TNFSF9-TNFRSF9"    
## [22] "CCL5-SDC4"          "CCL8-CCR5"          "IL15-IL2RA"        
## [25] "CCL8-CCR1"          "CCL7-ACKR4"         "CCL7-CXCR3"        
## [28] "CCL7-CCR1"          "CCL7-CCR5"          "CCL7-CCR2"         
## [31] "IL1A-IL1R1"         "IL1A-IL1R2"         "IL1A-IL1RAP"       
## [34] "PPBP-CXCR1"         "OSM-IL6ST"          "OSM-OSMR"          
## [37] "PPBP-CXCR2"         "VWF-TNFRSF11B"      "THBS1-TNFRSF11B"   
## [40] "FN1-TNFRSF11B"      "TNFSF10-TNFRSF11B"  "TNFSF13-TNFRSF11B" 
## [43] "EREG-EGFR"          "IL6-IL6ST"          "ANXA1-APP-FPR2"

Heatmap visualisation using Seurat’s DoHeatmap

#cols <- c('#2692a4','#fc0d3a','#ffbe0b')
p1 <- DoHeatmap(res$sce, top15$gene, group.colors = cols )+
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)))
## Scale for fill is already present.
## Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.

Extracting variables from the expression matrix to merge with TME subtype

top15$gene  <- gsub(top15$gene, pattern = "-", replacement = "\\_")
input <- combine_pd_eset(eset = lr, pdata = tme, feas = top15$gene, scale = T)

p2 <- sig_box(input, variable = "cluster", signature = top15$gene[1], jitter = TRUE,
              cols =  cols, show_pvalue = TRUE, size_of_pvalue = 4)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   .y.       group1 group2        p   p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 signature TME3   TME2   4.69e-17 1.4e-16 < 2e-16  ****     Wilcoxon
## 2 signature TME3   TME1   9.94e-10 2  e- 9 9.9e-10  ****     Wilcoxon
## 3 signature TME2   TME1   5.75e- 3 5.8e- 3 0.0058   **       Wilcoxon
p3 <- sig_box(input, variable = "cluster", signature = top15$gene[5], 
              jitter = TRUE, cols =  cols, show_pvalue = TRUE, size_of_pvalue = 4)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   .y.       group1 group2        p    p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 signature TME3   TME2   9.17e-15 2.8 e-14 9.2e-15  ****     Wilcoxon
## 2 signature TME3   TME1   2.15e- 5 4.30e- 5 2.2e-05  ****     Wilcoxon
## 3 signature TME2   TME1   9.68e- 5 9.70e- 5 9.7e-05  ****     Wilcoxon

Combining the results obtained above

# if (!requireNamespace("patchwork", quietly = TRUE))   install.packages("patchwork")
p <- (p1|p2/p3) + plot_layout(widths = c(2.3,1))
p + plot_annotation(tag_levels = 'A')

7.9 Identifying signatures associated with TME clusters

Calculate TME associated signatures-(through PCA method).

sig_tme<-calculate_sig_score(pdata           = NULL,
                             eset            = eset,
                             signature       = signature_collection,
                             method          = "pca",
                             mini_gene_count = 2)
sig_tme <- t(column_to_rownames(sig_tme, var = "ID"))
sig_tme[1:5, 1:3]
##                   GSM1523727 GSM1523728 GSM1523729
## CD_8_T_effector   -2.5513794  0.7789141 -2.1770675
## DDR               -0.8747614  0.7425162 -1.3272054
## APM                1.1098368  2.1988688 -0.9516419
## Immune_Checkpoint -2.3701787  0.9455120 -1.4844104
## CellCycle_Reg      0.1063358  0.7583302 -0.3649795

Finding characteristic variables associated with TME clusters

res <- find_markers_in_bulk(pdata = tme, eset = sig_tme, group = "cluster", nfeatures = 1000, top_n = 20, min.pct = 0.10)

top15 <-  res$top_markers %>% dplyr:: group_by(cluster) %>%  dplyr::top_n(15, avg_log2FC)

p1 <- DoHeatmap(res$sce, top15$gene, group.colors = cols)+
  scale_fill_gradientn(colours = rev(colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(11,"RdBu"))(256)))

Visualizing results and selecting feature variables

top15$gene  <- gsub(top15$gene, pattern = "-", replacement = "\\_")
input <- combine_pd_eset(eset = sig_tme, pdata = tme, feas = top15$gene, scale = T)

p2 <- sig_box(input, variable = "cluster", signature = "CD_8_T_effector", jitter = TRUE,
              cols =  cols, show_pvalue = TRUE, size_of_pvalue = 4, size_of_font = 6)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   .y.       group1 group2        p    p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 signature TME3   TME2   3.18e-12 6.40e-12 3.2e-12  ****     Wilcoxon
## 2 signature TME3   TME1   1.01e- 1 1   e- 1 0.1      ns       Wilcoxon
## 3 signature TME2   TME1   4.53e-13 1.4 e-12 4.5e-13  ****     Wilcoxon
p3 <- sig_box(input, variable = "cluster", signature = "Neutrophils_Bindea_et_al",  
              jitter = TRUE, cols =  cols, show_pvalue = TRUE, size_of_pvalue = 4, size_of_font = 6)
## # A tibble: 3 × 8
##   .y.       group1 group2         p    p.adj p.format p.signif method  
##   <chr>     <chr>  <chr>      <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   
## 1 signature TME3   TME2   0.0000416 0.000097 4.2e-05  ****     Wilcoxon
## 2 signature TME3   TME1   0.0000323 0.000097 3.2e-05  ****     Wilcoxon
## 3 signature TME2   TME1   0.149     0.15     0.15     ns       Wilcoxon
p <- (p1|p2/p3) + plot_layout(widths = c(2.3,1))
p + plot_annotation(tag_levels = 'A')

Survival differences between tumour microenvironment subtypes

data(pdata_acrg, package = "IOBR")
input <- merge(pdata_acrg, input, by = "ID")
p1<-surv_group(input_pdata       = input,
               target_group      = "cluster",
               ID                = "ID",
               reference_group   = "High",
               project           = "ACRG",
               cols              = cols, 
               time              = "OS_time",
               status            = "OS_status",
               time_type         = "month",
               save_path         = "result")
## >>> Dataset's survival follow up time is range between 1 to 105.7 months
## TME1 TME2 TME3 
##   85   96  119
## 8596119
##   Maximum of follow up time is 105.7 months; and will be divided into 6 sections;
## Warning in geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = max(y2), xend = max(x1), yend = max(y2)), : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 2 rows.
## ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
##   a single row.
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggpp':
##   method                  from   
##   heightDetails.titleGrob ggplot2
##   widthDetails.titleGrob  ggplot2
## Warning in geom_segment(aes(x = 0, y = max(y2), xend = max(x1), yend = max(y2)), : All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 2 rows.
## ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
##   a single row.
## All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 2 rows.
## ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
##   a single row.
## All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 2 rows.
## ℹ Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing
##   a single row.

Relationship between tumour microenvironmental subtypes and other subtypes

p1<- percent_bar_plot(input, x = "cluster" , y = "Subtype", palette = "jama", axis_angle = 60)
## # A tibble: 12 × 5
## # Groups:   cluster [3]
##    cluster Subtype    Freq  Prop count
##    <chr>   <fct>     <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 TME1    EMT          14  0.16    85
##  2 TME1    MSI          12  0.14    85
##  3 TME1    MSS/TP53-    34  0.4     85
##  4 TME1    MSS/TP53+    25  0.29    85
##  5 TME2    EMT           6  0.06    96
##  6 TME2    MSI          47  0.49    96
##  7 TME2    MSS/TP53-    22  0.23    96
##  8 TME2    MSS/TP53+    21  0.22    96
##  9 TME3    EMT          26  0.22   119
## 10 TME3    MSI           9  0.08   119
## 11 TME3    MSS/TP53-    51  0.43   119
## 12 TME3    MSS/TP53+    33  0.28   119
## [1] "'#374E55FF', '#DF8F44FF', '#00A1D5FF', '#B24745FF', '#79AF97FF', '#6A6599FF', '#80796BFF'"
p2<- percent_bar_plot(input, x = "cluster" , y = "Lauren", palette = "jama", axis_angle = 60)
## # A tibble: 9 × 5
## # Groups:   cluster [3]
##   cluster Lauren      Freq  Prop count
##   <chr>   <fct>      <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 TME1    Diffuse       37  0.44    85
## 2 TME1    Intestinal    47  0.55    85
## 3 TME1    Mixed          1  0.01    85
## 4 TME2    Diffuse       31  0.32    96
## 5 TME2    Intestinal    54  0.56    96
## 6 TME2    Mixed         11  0.11    96
## 7 TME3    Diffuse       67  0.56   119
## 8 TME3    Intestinal    45  0.38   119
## 9 TME3    Mixed          7  0.06   119
## [1] "'#374E55FF', '#DF8F44FF', '#00A1D5FF', '#B24745FF', '#79AF97FF', '#6A6599FF', '#80796BFF'"
p3<- percent_bar_plot(input, x = "cluster" , y = "TMEscore_binary", palette = "jama", axis_angle = 60)
## # A tibble: 7 × 5
## # Groups:   cluster [3]
##   cluster TMEscore_binary  Freq  Prop count
##   <chr>   <fct>           <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 TME1    High                5  0.06    85
## 2 TME1    Low                79  0.93    85
## 3 TME1    <NA>                1  0.01    85
## 4 TME2    High               59  0.61    96
## 5 TME2    Low                37  0.39    96
## 6 TME3    High                7  0.06   119
## 7 TME3    Low               112  0.94   119
## [1] "'#374E55FF', '#DF8F44FF', '#00A1D5FF', '#B24745FF', '#79AF97FF', '#6A6599FF', '#80796BFF'"

7.10 References

Cristescu, R., Lee, J., Nebozhyn, M. et al. Molecular analysis of gastric cancer identifies subtypes associated with distinct clinical outcomes. Nat Med 21, 449–456 (2015).

CIBERSORT; Newman, A. M., Liu, C. L., Green, M. R., Gentles, A. J., Feng, W., Xu, Y., … Alizadeh, A. A. (2015). Robust enumeration of cell subsets from tissue expression profiles. Nature Methods, 12(5), 453–457.;

Seurat: Hao and Hao et al. Integrated analysis of multimodal single-cell data. Cell (2021)

easier; Lapuente-Santana, Ó., van Genderen, M., Hilbers, P., Finotello, F., & Eduati, F. (2021). ‘Interpretable systems biomarkers predict response to immune-checkpoint inhibitors.’ Patterns (New York, N.Y.), 2(8), 100293.